‘Up All Night’ May Replace ‘Whitney’ on Thursday Nights

You know how you're watching NBC's lineup of Thursday-night sitcoms and they're all laugh track-free single-camera shows on which the humor comes from deep knowledge of the carefully drawn, specific, unique characters, and then "The Office" ends and "Whitney" comes on and you practically dislocate your wrist diving for the remote to change the channel? Well, so does NBC, which is why the network may be planning to swap "Whitney" for "Up All Night," the charming new-parents comedy that's currently struggling on Wednesday nights. There is the question of whether "Whitney" is too adult for an 8 PM time slot, but is it really that much dirtier than anything else that airs at 8? I mean, "How I Met Your Mother" generally doesn't seem much less pottymouthed than other network sitcoms. There's also a possibility that the struggling "Grimm" might move off Friday nights, but you don't care about "Grimm" and neither do I. [Deadline; UPDATE:Confirmed.]