Eye on Springfield Is Your TV Tumblr of the Week

With comic geniuses creating single-topic Tumblrs on what is probably a minute-by-minute basis, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time. We can't curate the entire platform for you, but we can bring to your attention the best television-themed sites in a feature we call TV Tumblr of the Week.

Site: Eye on Springfield

TV Inspiration: The welcome-overstaying animated series "The Simpsons"

Site Production Values: Medium. Content on the site is mostly made up of single-frame screen shots from the show, without any context. "Simpsons" superfans will recognize the moments immediately, but the barrier for entry for anyone else is pretty high. On the other hand: It's a site for "Simpsons" superfans.

How Well Does the Tumblr Represent the Show? The site description: "Eye On Springfield is a retrospective of Simpsons hilarity spanning from seasons 1 to 9, when it was still funny." Your Honor, I rest my case. (Though I would probably start it from halfway through Season 2.)

Nostalgia Factor (on a scale of 1 to 10): 10. Though "The Simpsons" airs in syndication at least once daily in most markets, now that it's in its 22nd season, "Simpsons" purists are statistically less and less likely to find a syndicated episode that's actually good. But Eye on Springfield provides us with a Proustian "Simpsons" madeleine in each and every post.