I’m A Daytime Kinda Gal!

"CBS This Morning": What a fun surprise to wake up, turn on the TV, and get a private tour of the Ex-Presidents' secret Washington Club House. Be sure to tune in again tomorrow, for an exclusive look at the ex-Vice-Presidential broom closet!

"Ellen": Maya Rudolph was killing it with celebrity impressions on Ellen today! I SO miss having her on "SNL". And I keep meaning to watch her on that new show with Kelly Bundy and Gob Bluth, but I can't seem to stay up all night until it's on (at 8pm). What can I say? I'm a daytime kinda gal!

"Wake Up with Al": If the President doesn't accept that donkey as a gift can I have him?! I feel like Little Demo and his funny hat would be the perfect addition to my household! I just hope he doesn't want to talk about politics all the time, cuz that can be a real drag. But if he's willing to help out at some children's birthday parties I guess I'd be willing to talk foreign policy every now and then!

Watch "Daytime in No Time" right now and e-mail me at daytimeinnotime@yahoo.com!

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