Mickey Rourke’s Close Shave

Do you remember how hot Mickey Rourke was in the 1986 hit "9 1/2 Weeks"? OK, I know it was 24 years ago, but you can still order it on Netflix (it's probably in the classics section by now). If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing Rourke and Kim Basinger heat up the screen, take my word for it -- the man was gorgeous.

Anyway, after making a name for himself as one of Hollywood's most handsome leading men in the 1980s, the eccentric actor stepped off the deep end -- both career-wise and looks-wise in 1991 when he decided to become a professional boxer. In doing so, he managed to successfully bust up his face, removing almost all traces of the good looks he was born with.

What followed was a serious of random occasional film roles, even more random hairstyles, and outfits that involved a lot of snakeskin, armadillo, and other scaly desert creatures. By the time he made his Oscar-nominated comeback in the 2008 indie "The Wrestler," Rourke was sporting seriously ugly, greasy streaked hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in decades.

Now 57, the former fighter has undergone a bit of a makeover. A few months ago, he cropped those feral shoulder-length tresses into a relatively bland crop. Now, "The Expendables" actor has gone the whole hog by shaving it all off! Mickey's face still looks like he went 12 rounds with an angry bulldozer, but it's a marked improvement on his previous dirty style.

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