bleulilbaby Balances Being The Heartbroken And A Heartbreaker In “Pride”: Watch

Rising singer bleulilbaby is declaring her debut single, “Pride,” is a personal lesson. “Growing up how I did, I wasn’t the best at expressing my feelings, so that showed up a lot in my relationships. I got a lot of love to give, but I never wanted to feel too vulnerable. Never thought I could be too happy. Always felt like something would go wrong,” the Mass Appeal Records artist explained to VIBE.

On the heels of Lauren London sharing a viral message about removing ego from relationships, bleulilbaby agreed with the sentiments. “When it comes to really loving somebody and being loved, there can’t be ego. Sade said that ‘love is stronger than pride.’ So no matter what we feel, when it’s real love and it’s deep, it ain’t conditional. I love all parts of me and we grow and get better and stronger together. Being vulnerable is the only way it really works,” she shared.

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In regards to her debut, she explained that pride was the reason she struggled with people loving her and those themes of love and vulnerability will continue to unveil themselves when her project drops later this summer.

“I’m so proud of it,” she teased. “I definitely poured a lot of myself into this project. That’s just something I choose to do with my music in general. It really shows a specific side of who I am, in love, and how I’m learning to take accountability for certain things. Everything about the music is love-driven. Whether it’s friendships, family or self love… it’s all about what I’ve been through and what I’m going through to get there. There’s real levels to this s**t.  It also shows up in the visuals.  I just want to show what it really looks like. Not just the good and not just the bad.”

Watch the full video for “Pride” above.

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