Black Theatre Coalition, AMC Networks Partner on Production and Casting Fellowships

Black Theatre Coalition is teaming with AMC Networks on two new fellowships focused on providing pathways for Black professionals within the film and TV industries.

Two fellows will have the opportunity to gain casting and TV production experience through a program that will situate those inaugural recipients within teams at AMC Networks, Black Theatre Coalition co-founders T. Oliver Reid, Warren Adams and Reginald “Reggie” Van Lee and program director Tom Andre Bardwell announced Tuesday.

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“There is so much opportunity and intersectionality between television, theater and film,” Naila McKenzie, vp of diversity, equity and inclusion at AMC Networks said in a statement. “We are thrilled to be Black Theater Coalition’s first partner in TV and film, and for the opportunity to work together to equip the next generation of Black storytellers with transferable skills and invaluable relationships in casting and production.”

The casting fellow, who has already been selected, will work with Marc Hirschifield at AMC Networks on casting projects for the in-house production and distribution operation of AMC Studios. During the fellowship, the individual will have the chance to become exposed to every aspect of the casting process, such as reviewing scripts, audition tapes and contract negotiations. Upon completion of the opportunity, the fellow will walk away with all the tools necessary to work in a casting office.

The Television production fellow will work directly with AMC Networks, and be responsible for assisting the development and production team. They will gain experience in organizational, creative and technical tasks related to original development and programming initiatives. That fellowship is currently open to professionals in Atlanta and New York, and will kick off on July 25.

The two new professional opportunities are part of a larger and ongoing fellowship program hosted by BTC and funded by partners like Disney Theatrical Group, Jujamcyn, Sony Music Group, American Express, Broadway productions Moulin Rouge, Come From Away and Hamilton, Daryl Roth Productions, Tara Rubin Casting, DK/OMC and the Broadway Women’s Alliance, among others. The program has currently funded 20 fellows, eight apprentices and six regional fellowships in cooperation with the John Gore Organization and Broadway Across America.

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