Black Excellence Brunch Presents “To Be Celebrated” Experience

On Sunday (March 3)  Trell Thomas and Shawn Finnie hosted Black Excellence Brunch presents “To Be Celebrated”, welcoming guests to empower each other for an afternoon.

With rose-hued decor, attendees indulged in brunch plates and Don Julio Rosado tequila.  The aesthetically pleasing affair continues Black Excellence Brunch’s tradition of inviting attendees in their sharpest looks to fellowship on Sunday afternoons. Rooted in Southern tradition, the Instagram platform describes the event as “The brunch that gives #BlackExcellence a seat at the table.”

Typically, guests are asked to wear all-white, however, this event appeared to welcome a more colorful dress code.  Thomas, who founded Black Excellence Brunch, spoke with Forbes earlier this year, explaining his mission behind the feasts.

“I owe so much to my mom’s Sunday dinner in South Carolina. Every Sunday, my mom would bring the community church members, family members, friends, and neighbors to our house and make space for everyone. I remember walking around and feeling inspired and loved, looking at all the beautiful shades of melanin and Black people. And that feeling never left me,” explained Thomas.

He continued to detail, “In 2017, I was moving to LA and decided to have Sunday dinner on this rooftop and invite people who are special to me. I decided I wanted everyone to wear all white. On the day of the party, as we entered the venue, random people took pictures of us; they complimented us and made all of us feel special. I wanted to make people feel like that all the time, so I created The Black Excellence Brunch. So, Sunday dinner is the core of what Black Excellence Brunch is. I want people to come and feel like a family sitting around the kitchen table.”

Take a look inside Black Excellence Brunch presents “To Be Celebrated” below.

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