Bird flu confirmed in three Montana grizzly bears

Three juvenile grizzly bears in Montana have tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, commonly known as bird flu.
Three juvenile grizzly bears in Montana have tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, commonly known as bird flu.

Clinical testing of three juvenile grizzly bears euthanized by wildlife officials last fall has confirmed the bears were infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) also known as bird flu. It is the first time the highly infectious viral illness common in wild birds has been documented in grizzly bears. The disease has previously been detected in a variety of mammals including foxes, skunks and domestic animals such cats and dogs.

“The three bears, one near Augusta, one near Dupuyer, and another near Kalispell, were observed to be in poor condition and exhibited disorientation and partial blindness, among other neurological issues,” the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) announced Tuesday. “They were euthanized due to their sickness and poor condition.”

“A fox and a skunk in Montana also tested positive for HPAI last year,” said FWP Wildlife Veterinarian Jennifer Ramsey. “We suspect these mammals probably get the virus from consuming infected birds.”

Avian influenza is a naturally occurring virus in wild birds. More than a dozen variants of avian influenza have been identified worldwide; however, the majority of these are “low pathogenic” meaning that they cause only minor clinical signs of infection in poultry. More dangerous “highly pathogenic” varieties have repeatedly decimated the North American poultry industry in recent decades.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture the first outbreak of HPAI in the United States in 20 years occurred in Texas in 2004. From December 2014 until June 2015, there were more than 200 outbreaks of HPAI, affecting commercial and backyard flocks in the central and northwestern United States.

A HPAI outbreak in 2015 forced the destruction of more than 50 million chickens and turkeys in the United States. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates the 2015 outbreak eliminated about 12 percent of the U.S. egg laying chicken population and 8 percent of the turkeys grown for meat. A report from the Congressional Research Service estimated the value of turkey and laying hen losses due to the 2014-2015 HPAI outbreak at nearly $1.6 billion.

This most recent outbreak of the disease was first detected in Indiana in February 2022. Within nine months the virus had been confirmed in 266 commercial and 360 backyard flocks across the United States. This latest manifestation of HPAI has proven to be even more destructive than the 2015 outbreak.

Distribution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza since 2021
Distribution of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza since 2021

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that in the past year 57.8 million domestic birds in 47 states including, chickens, turkeys and ducks have either died or been destroyed due to avian flu. There is no cure for HPAI. Flocks in which the disease is confirmed must be destroyed, and the birds’ bodies either burned or buried to prevent further infection.

The greatest concentration of confirmed cases of HPAI in 2022 has been in the upper Midwest, where the U.S. poultry industry is largely concentrated. In Iowa alone nearly 16 million birds have been destroyed. The mass destruction of these flocks is the primary reason why egg prices have more than doubled in the past year.

In Montana, a total of 82,477 birds from 16 flocks were destroyed last year due to HPAI.

Although avian influenza viruses do not typically infect people, human infections are not unheard of. Since 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) has received reports from 19 countries of more than 880 human infections with bird flu viruses. Symptoms of the disease vary widely, with some people reporting no symptoms at all and others expressing severe pneumonia-like symptoms sometimes resulting in death.

“Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers risk of HPAI spread to humans to be very low, Montanans should take precautions when handling game birds, sick or dead birds and mammals they find,” the FWP news release warns. “Whenever possible, avoid contact with sick or dead wildlife. Even if an animal is not suspected to have died from a contagious disease, gloves should always be worn if a dead animal must be handled for disposal.”

FWP is asking the public to report any unusual or unexplained cases of sickness and/or death of wild birds and animals. This can be done by contacting a local wildlife biologist or the wildlife lab in Bozeman at 406-577-7880 or 406-577-7882.

This article originally appeared on Great Falls Tribune: Montana grizzly bears test positive for bird flu. First confirmed case