An unborn baby recorded an album through biosonic MIDI

Luca Yupanqui's parents turned her in-utero movements into MIDI data.

Sacred Bones Records

Luca Yupanqui is about to release an album she'll certainly have no memory of recording. Her parents, musicians Elizabeth Hart and Iván Diaz Mathé, used biosonic MIDI to turn her in-utero movements into audio. Sacred Bones Records, which also has David Lynch and John Carpenter on its roster of artists, will release Sounds of the Unborn in April.

Hart and Mathé captured MIDI data with a sonification device, which measures electrodermal activity, or electrical activity on the skin. They then sent the information to Mathé’s synths and used it to create Sounds Of The Unborn.

The couple recorded Luca's movements over five hour-long sessions, according to MusicTech. While they processed and edited the results, they didn't want to tinker with the original data too much in order to allow “Luca’s message to exist in its raw form.”

A music video offers a preview of what's in store. While it seems like a fascinating soundscape experiment, you probably shouldn’t expect the album to rocket to the top of the Billboard charts.

Biosonic MIDI technology isn’t exactly new, though. A semi-viral video a few months back showed a pink oyster mushroom playing a modular synth, and making a pretty decent job of it.