Before You Binge on BBQ, Squeeze in This 20-Minute Workout

Derek DeGrazio
Derek DeGrazio

Warning: July Fourth weekend ahead! That means burgers. And hot dogs. And probably chips. And maybe even beer.

But don’t fire up the grill just yet! First squeeze in this 20-minute workout designed by Derek DeGrazio, who trains Ellie Goulding and Adriana Lima at Barry’s Bootcamp Miami Beach when they’re in town.

“These 5 moves can be done outdoors, and there’s no equipment needed,” says DeGrazio. “Do each exercise for 60 seconds, and repeat the series four times.”

Then sit back, relax and enjoy the fireworks — you’ll have earned it!

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Duck Walk

Sit down at the bottom of a squat. Make sure your weight is on your heels, knees behind toes, flat back. Holding this position, walk forward four steps and then backward four steps.

Lunge Twist

Step forward into a lunge, keeping your knees behind toes, chest out, shoulder blades back. Twist at the bottom of the lunge, facing the direction of the leg that is out. Alternate each leg.

Tricep Dips

Using a chair or bench, sit on the edge of the surface with your arms at your sides, palms on the surface, fingers facing front. Press your butt off the surface with legs slightly bent in front of you. Lower down, bending at your elbows so they point straight down. Once you reach a 90-degree angle, press back up to the starting position.

Push-up leg lifts

In a push-up position on your palms and balls of your feet, lower into a push-up, palms under shoulders, flat back. Alternate leg lifts with each push-up.

Around the world plank

In the same push-up position, raise your right arm straight in front of you for 2 seconds, and then lower it back to the ground. Do the same with the left arm. Follow with your left leg, and then with your right leg, keeping your spine neutral and shoulder blades square.

—Stephanie Emma Pfeffer @StephEmmaPfeff

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