The Big Cigar, Apple TV+ review: the thoughtful inside story of the Black Panther movement

Tiffany Boone and André Holland in The Big Cigar
Tiffany Boone and André Holland in The Big Cigar - Apple TV+
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Huey P Newton is a hard character to pin down. On the one hand the co-founder of the influential Black Panther movement in the 1960s is a seminal figure in race politics and undoubtedly worthy of celebration. Yet on the flip side he was a tortured soul whose history of violence and mental-health issues alienated many of those around him.

There’s more than enough material there for a hard-hitting character study that shines a spotlight on the deep racial divisions in American society that Newton highlighted and continue to this day. But while The Big Cigar (Apple TV+) pays lip service to the issues that dominated Newton’s life, they serve as a smokescreen for what it really wants to be most of the time… a Shaft-era Blaxploitation caper movie in six episodes.

Which gives André Holland as Newton a lot to chew on as the shift in gear between competing genres, one minute it’s an action chase epic, the next a stab at incisive social history, can make for a very bumpy journey. And while Holland shines in the sections that dig into Newton’s beliefs and his troubled relationships, he feels like a fish out of water when it comes to action sequences that border on farce.

The narrative arc of The Big Cigar, based on a 2012 Playboy article by Joshuah Bearman, is hooked on the true-ish saga of how top movie producer Bert Schneider, a Newton fanboy, attempted to mastermind Newton’s escape to Cuba in 1974 so that his hero could evade arrest for murder.

Holland as Black Panther leader Huey P Newton
Holland as Black Panther leader Huey P Newton - Apple TV+

It’s a comedy of cock-ups from start to finish as bribes, backstabbers and dodgy boat skippers collide in a mess of confusion that plays into Newton’s escalating state of mental confusion. “I keep finding myself in some kind of prison or another,” he muses as he narrowly evades arrest yet again. “The prison of my own mind.” It’s in moments like that we get a snapshot of what The Big Cigar could be if it followed through on the potential of its material.

When digging into the inner-workings of Newton’s mind and exploring the in-fighting and rival ambitions that ultimately undermined the Black Panthers, we are taken to the heart of a key period of recent history. So much so that Newton’s flight to Cuba and Schneider’s part in it feel like an unwelcome guest at the party. Alessandro Nivola never quite gets under the skin of the privileged Schneider, a man apparently prepared to risk everything for a cause he only has the shakiest of handles on.

That’s not to say that The Big Cigar doesn’t smoke along entertainingly enough. The period detail, from ace afros and the cracking soundtrack, feel right on the money. And, if nothing else, it will make you want to know more about the man at the centre of it all. “I was an icon and a mortal man,” reflects Newton as the credits close in. If only The Big Cigar had chosen which one it wanted to follow.

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