Big Brother recap: A houseguest fights through poison ivy to become HOH

Big Brother fans are always talking about the edit of the live shows. It’s pretty common that things we see on the feeds don’t make it on air, and we can disagree about when and if certain things should — but I think we can all agree that it’s pretty great they showed Nick getting hit in the balls with a pool ball not once, but twice.

Poor, poor Nick. Not only is the (recent) love of his life out of the house but now he’s having to nurse his heartbreak while hanging in the world’s most uncomfortable comp, Poise in Ivy. Even the fittest people in the house struggle to hold themselves up. Jess, Nicole, and Sam fall before the slime even starts. Christie drops right after that and draws the Poison Ivy chip (later Tommy pulls the other one).

As only Six Shooters and Kat hang up there, Christie tells Michie that no one is encouraging him because he’s solid. He says he doesn’t need anyone’s support. Kat is doing her best to hang in there because she wants to beat Michie. They’ve apparently been butting heads a lot lately, like when he farts in the Have Not room and Kat sprays Febreze and he gets inexplicably offended. Up against Kat, Holly, and Sis, Michie says he’s solid, as if encouraging them all to drop. They don’t bite.

And it’s a good thing they don’t because, after an hour and 30 minutes, Michie falls. That’s all that Kat cares about, so she drops. Holly and Sis try to broker a deal, but every time they mention it, Michie interrupts. “Don’t do it, Holly,” he barks from the side. Isn’t it great when your partner doesn’t let you make decisions for yourself? But it doesn’t matter, Sis slips and Holly becomes the next HOH.

The fact that Michie wouldn’t let her make a deal with Holly isn’t sitting well with Sis. She complains to Christie and Tommy about it. This brings up Michie’s feelings for Christie as well, and she says she’ll use her Diamond Power if he doesn’t do what the group wants — because they both know that a Holly HOH really means a Michie HOH.

In more Michie news, Christie and Tommy discuss how Michie needs to watch what he says to people — especially women. They don’t want to go to the end with him, and Christie says she’s “legit done with him.”

Speaking of how Michie talks to women… Holly wants to put up Nick and Sam, which Michie says for her is “bold.” He says instead she should put up Nicole next to Nick or Sam. She nods and also nods later when Sam says he can stay and help them out if they find themselves at the bottom of the duo power ranking of BB21. Later Holly also nods when Michie starts whispering about how they might need to consider getting rid of Christie.

Holly is in quite the pickle. She realizes eventually they’ll need to make game moves against their own alliance. She seems stressed about what to do, but in the end, she chooses Nick and Sam. Unfortunately, it seems that Six Shooters will be living another day. I guess it was too much to hope for more from season 21…

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