Big Brother recap: The Final 3 punch their tickets to finale night

Here we are — we're nearly at finale nigh and Big Brother is getting ready to go from four players down to only three. Monte and Taylor have secured their spots already, winning the veto and HOH respectively, while Turner and Brittany sit on the block. Monte is the one with all the power. He's the lone vote for the week, which means he gets to decide who makes it to the final stage of the game.

It's a complicated decision, and one made seemingly more complicated by the relatively new showmance between Taylor and Monte. Basically, Taylor thinks that Turner is the biggest threat to beat them in the end (I agree), and she wants him gone. But Monte is more torn, because he's worked with Turner this whole time. Is he really ready to betray Turner? If he doesn't, is he sabotaging his game? If Brittany stays and wins HOH, does she take Taylor with her to finale night?

Things get messy when Taylor and Monte's budding romance hits a speed bump. I'll save you all the domestic details, basically Taylor makes an offhand comment that could definitely be construed as flippant or insensitive. Monte, however, also overreacts and is quick to once again call Taylor "cold" and "disrespectful," just like Daniel and so many others did early in the game. It's hard to tell how much of this is just an "in the moment" bit of bickering and how much is something deeper... either way there's some conflict between Monte and Taylor now that wasn't there a few days ago. Conflict that Turner is totally okay with, it should be said.

Before we get to the live vote, we check in with the jury house. Terrance and Michael make their entrance, and of course everyone is shocked to see Michael. They all assumed he was very in control of the game, but as the recap shows he simply lost at the wrong time. There's not a lot to talk about here, as we've seen most of this footage already, but there are two moments that stand out: there's Terrance absolutely loving Michael's abrupt exit from the house, where he didn't say goodbye to anyone, and Joseph looking like he got punched in the gut when Alyssa mentions that Taylor and Monte have been sleeping in the same bed.

That brings us back to the live eviction. Brittany has made her pitch to Monte. She tells him that Turner's resume is stacked and that he's clearly more of a threat to win the game than her. She also pitches that she's worse at the competitions, whereas Turner has excelled. It's not a bad pitch by any means, but in the end I think Monte just has too close of a connection with Turner, and truly thinks that if Turner wins the final HOH he'll bring him to the Final 2. If Monte keeps Brittany around, there's too many variables involved in him getting to finale night.

So, Monte votes to evict Brittany, and she's sent to the jury house, and that's just about it for this episode. At the end Julie talks to The Cookout live in the studio, getting their thoughts on the Final 3. They all speak eloquently on Kyle's comments, and analyze how hard it is to keep any alliance together until the end, and they all speak very highly of the players that are left, but share a clear love for how Taylor has navigated this game and made it to finale night after having her back against the wall so many times.

We'll see how well this analysis holds up on Sunday, as Big Brother wraps up another season!

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