Big Brother recap: Expect the… expected

I would like to begin this recap with an apology to Nicole… and to you, Big Brother fans. In Thursday’s recap, I said this Head of Household comp could be a win for Nicole. And I jinxed her. I watched the comp on live feeds in real-time, and when Nicole fell and got emotional — I got emotional because IT WAS MY FAULT. I really thought she could win this one. I won’t make any predictions (in writing) again. I’m so sorry, y’all.

(I don’t feel the need to apologize to Christie, because it’s Christie. Or to Tommy, because he chose to drop. I have no sympathy for people who throw comps. Ever.)

But there was one person I didn’t predict winning: Michie. Typically the bigger guys can’t hold themselves up that long, but I believe Jackson clung there by sheer will. He says he didn’t want Tommy to win because he might go after Cliff and Nicole (and apparently Michie is, in fact, keeping his final four deal with them).

While hanging on the wall, Michie even tells Tommy that he’d be safe if he doesn’t get HOH. From the bench, Christie is yelling at them to hang on. You’d think she’d be rooting for Tommy to win, but she thinks that Michie would be okay, too. Tommy decides that it’s a sweet deal: staying safe for the week and getting to play HOH next week, so he drops and Jackson takes the win.

But Michie is not pleased. He’s won five comps in a row, and now the last three HOHs have been either him or Holly. If they didn’t have a target on their backs before, they certainly do now!

After the comp, Nicole is still upset — mostly because she wants to build her résumé and to contribute to the group. She and Christie become a ball of emotions later that night. They wallow a bit about not winning HOH and then do the laugh-cry thing that gets so bad Big Brother makes a “Big Brother loves you” announcement… which only makes them cry more.

So, by process of elimination, Michie has to nominate Christie and Jess. Cliff would like Tommy to go up — but Michie is HOH, so he doesn’t have much say. Michie says he needs to cash in on his pawn deal with Christie, who is not pleased with this news. She acts totally shocked, but Michie plays it off, saying he doesn’t want anyone to know they’re working together. He tells her that Jess is his main target.

Of the two, Michie tells Holly he wants to get Jess out, and I’m screaming at my TV, WHY!? Christie is a better game move — she’s proving harder and harder to get out and Jess has no loyalty to anyone. And then Holly takes the words out of my mouth and says it to Michie, who says, “But Jess wants to get boys out!!!” That guy really holds a grudge, huh?

Anyway, Christie tells Tommy about Michie wanting to use her as a pawn. Tommy points out that he can’t go up because he made a deal with him on the wall. Christie briefly gets mad that Tommy didn’t make a deal that included her before she circles around to the idea that Holly and Michie must be working with Cliff and Nicole. (Seriously, Christie is sometimes very smart at this game and it always surprises me.) Tommy says he’s been thinking the same thing.

Next, Michie meets with Jess and says that if he goes up against her in mental comps that she’ll beat him. He then says he’ll probably need to put her on the block, and she is also shocked. (Do these people not realize there aren’t that many people left in the house to nominate?)

Christie talks to Michie later and wants to know what happens if Jess comes off the block. He says that Cliff would likely go up, and when Christie asks who would get voted out, he says they’ll “play it by ear.” She knows this isn’t true, but she plays along.

So at the end of the hour, it’s no surprise to anyone that Michie puts up Christie and Jess. Is it wrong that I’m wishing for a Taco Tuesday Part 2?

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