Are Bethenny Frankel and Jill Zarin Surprise Guests for RHONY Legacy?

<span class="caas-xray-inline-tooltip"><span class="caas-xray-inline caas-xray-entity caas-xray-pill rapid-nonanchor-lt" data-entity-id="Bethenny_Frankel" data-ylk="cid:Bethenny_Frankel;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:MediaPersonality;" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="dialog"><a href="" data-i13n="cid:Bethenny_Frankel;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:MediaPersonality;" tabindex="-1" data-ylk="slk:Bethenny Frankel;cid:Bethenny_Frankel;pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:MediaPersonality;" class="link ">Bethenny Frankel</a></span></span> and Jill Zarin at Bobby and Jill Zarin's Annual Fourth of July Party July 4, 2008 in Sag Harbor, New York. (Photo by Tana Lee Alves/WireImage)
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Peacock made the big announcement Real Housewives of New York fans have been waiting for. The RHONY: Legacy cast is happening, kind of. I don’t know in what universe Kristen Takeman is legacy material, but beggars can’t be choosers.

Peacock revealed the news with a Tweet and the keyboard art skills of their social media manager. Followers saw a makeshift apple tree with Kelly Bensimon, Luann de Lesseps, Dorinda Medley, Sonja Morgan, Ramona Singer, and Kristen having apples by their names.

But let’s talk about the two mysterious apples “falling” from the tree. This absolutely has to mean there will be two surprise guests, right? And now we begin my personal prayer vigil for the two extra apple holders.

It’s not about Tom, it’s about Bethenny and Jill

The world would probably end if it turned out to be Bethenny Frankel and Jill Zarin. Beyoncé’s internet would immediately crash. It would be chaos and mayhem. The show would be flooded with OG stans who have been waiting for this moment since 2010.

That said, negotiations apparently broke down for an actual Legacy series, thanks to Jill. Allegedly. She wanted to be paid the same as everyone else, and that’s okay. Bethenny has repeatedly said she’s too expensive, but she’s also a businesswoman with an invested interest in this show. Let’s be clear, you don’t start a whole podcast because you’re out here not giving any Fs.

Yesterday Beth made a TikTok video to discuss RHONY: Legacy. She basically said this is Bravo’s new “economic model.” Meaning, they don’t have to pay the talent much as a series that would have at least 18 episodes. Bethenny added, “These women get the relevance that they are craving, desiring, and desperately need and everybody seems to win.”

Once again with the not-so-subtle shade and also, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Here’s the other thing, the last time the majority of this group vacationed in St. Barth’s, Aviva Drescher was on the cast. So it’s also possible Aviva is packing her Xanax and inhalers and making the trip for one of her famous late entrances.

It’s safe to say, but not confirmed, that it isn’t over for the RHONY: Legacy crew. They just might have a very exciting surprise waiting for us. I just hope the surprise doesn’t start with an H and end with Thomson.


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