The Best Tweets, Memes and Reactions from the 2019 Emmys

From Esquire

The Emmys is the unofficial start of awards season, even if the rest of this year's ceremonies primarily focus on film. You see, award shows are the events that pop culture nerds stay up late for, complaining about ceremonies that run all the way until midnight. But it's worth it because the Emmys broadcast is the Super Bowl for television lovers and this is the last year you can root for Game of Thrones to win every one of their 500,000 nominations.

Though the night got off to a rocky start (can we stop incorporating animation into live television?), the awards quickly course corrected and got along with the program. For what the show lacked in pre-written bits for its presenters, it made up for with the candid, thoughtful speeches from its winners. Ultimately, that's a win.

This year's Emmys was a wonderful mix of television memorials (RIP Veep and Game of Thrones), incredible speeches, and shock wins. But more than that, the real heroes are the people throwing back wine at home and chiming in about the biggest moments as TV celebrates its greatest moments. Goodbye to all the great shows bowing out this year. Hello to Emmy award winner, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and a tip of the hat to all those who dared to tweet the ceremony live.

First off, there's that opening...

But then the awards began!

Leave it to television's biggest names to be the best part of television's biggest night. As for putting on a show? This might be the first time that a host would have been... helpful. Maybe next time, Fox.

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