The best films on subscription-free TV tonight: Thursday, 26 March

Kate Winslet in <i>Contagion</i>. (Warner Bros.)
Kate Winslet in Contagion. (Warner Bros.)

Face your fears and find comedy catharsis as TopFilmTip brings you contagious thrillers, brain twisting sci-fi, vampiric cool and the funniest film you never saw in the best film of TV for Thursday, 26 March, 2020.

After single facial touch sparks exponential spread of new-flu virus, global civil unrest & societal breakdown ensue leaving CDC to seek a cure in prophetic thriller CONTAGION 9pm - ITV2

Replicant retiring replicant uncovers world-altering truth in identity questioning, ineffably breathtaking neon wonder BLADE RUNNER 2049 9pm - Sony Movie UK

Joi and K. (Sony Pictures)
Joi and K. (Sony Pictures)

New romantic 80s biker punks press-gang teen while bouffanted brother seeks idiotic assistance in superb sax-jamming vampire treat THE LOST BOYS 10pm - 5 Star

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Crack-smoking news team reunite for 24/7 news farce in shark singing, black-saying preposterousness ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES 10pm - E4

Boy huntsman saves POTUS from repeated airplane assassinations in Sam Jackson pummelling, freezer flying Finnish fun BIG GAME 10:50pm - Film4

Gunless cowboy & swordless samurai battle despot’s killer gang in stupendously stylised post-apocalyptic beat’em up fun BUNRAKU 11:10pm - movies 4 men

Ron Perlman and Demi Moore in Bunraku. (ARC Entertainment)
Ron Perlman and Demi Moore in Bunraku. (ARC Entertainment)

Artists & enthusiasts explore undying art of illustrated poster prints in film-fanatic documentary 24 X 36 A MOVIE ABOUT MOVIE POSTERS 0000 - Sky Arts 1

Shotgun skeet surfing singer aides East German resistance in cattle infiltrating, underwater fist fighting comedy perfection TOP SECRET 2:15pm - Film4

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