The Best Content On Disney+ You Need to Watch

Disney+ has finally released its streaming service. This means we have access to all our favorite Disney films: old and recent. Fans of old Disney Channel Original Movies will be able to watch all of in its entirety. You’ve been trying to watch Cheetah Girls 2 and Smart House, but can’t find it? Here you can watch the entire Cheetah Trilogy. It is not going to be only Disney movies in name, but movies from Twentieth Century to add more films to the streaming app. These are some of the movies to check out.


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Smart House

Disney film "Smart House" is about how science whiz "Ben Cooper goes on-line to win a computerized "Smart House" specifically designed to make life easier. When Ben tries to put a glitch in his widowed father's love life, the Smart House takes on a virtual motherly identity who not only becomes overly possessive of the Coopers".This movie is hilarious! It is the quintessential Disney Channel movie. Great to rewatch and see how everything they've predicted has not came true at ALL. The future was supposed to be way more technological advanced!

Captain America: Winter Soldier

The best Marvel film ever. Captain America is back again with more friends! The action is this movie with the story makes it the best film. According to Wikipedia, this story explores how Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon join forces to uncover a conspiracy within S.H.I.E.L.D. while facing a mysterious assassin known as the Winter Soldier. It has Samuel L. Jackson, so you already know it is going to be funny. You can start from Iron Man to get the entire Avengers story, but his trilogy is the most developed.

Miracle on 34th Street

The holiday season is practically here! This means Christmas music and movies. This film is a black and white film that describes how Natalie at age 9 does not believe in Santa Claus until she meets one who tries to convince her otherwise. She wants to believe in him too. This movie won three Academy Awards, so the movie must be amazing. It has become a Christmas class the same way Home Alone has. [Cheat Sheet] ( says, "Since this movie begins with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and closes with Christmas, it nicely bookends the holidays, and you’ll never find a movie Santa more wonderful than Edmund Gwenn, who won an Oscar for this".

Well, this is good! Perfect timing of Disney+ there are lots of movies to watch during the holidays!