Ben Affleck Gives His Own Review of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'

Ben Affleck has taken a break from wearing his DC Comics cape and cowl to assume the role of a different kind of superhuman in The Accountant, Gavin O’Conner’s action-thriller about a man who, when not using his amazing intellect to crunch numbers, employs it for murder as a hired assassin. Nonetheless, on the press tour for his latest, the actor continues to be questioned about his first outing as the Dark Knight in March’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and during one interview, he finally gave his own review of the Zack Snyder blockbuster.

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Speaking to Fox 5 DC, Affleck was asked for his own appraisal of the polarizing film, which grossed $863 million worldwide ($330 domestically) but was seen as something of a disappointment for not crossing the $1 billion threshold — a fate at least partially attributed to its negative critical reception (it currently stands at a lowly 27 percent fresh on Rotten Tomatoes). His response?

“It’s interesting. It was a huge hit movie — more people went to see that than any movie I’ve ever made in my career. You know, it’s the biggest hit of my career. And then it had a lot of editorial negativity.” Still, as he continues (in a somewhat wavering voice), “The fans went, and it got a lot of positive response. It was interesting, that movie, because it was judged not necessarily on execution so much as [on] its tone. People seemed to want to have a lighter tone to the movie… Tone isn’t a qualitative thing — it’s subjective, right? Some tones resonate with me that might not with you.” And as he says, Batman v Superman was deliberately based, mood-wise, on Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel, which itself was a far-from-cheery take on the iconic character.

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But what does he actually think of the film himself? “Yeah, I loved it.”

So there you have it, Internet — despite your sad-Affleck memes, the man who is Batman loved Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Or so he says in public, at least.