‘I Believe I’m The Rosa Parks Of The Internet’ Says Woman Who Live Streams Her Life

Trisha hosts her own YouTube Channel, Truthfully Trisha, and has been live streaming her daily life for the past year. She claims she has nearly 2,000 subscribers and says her family thinks she’s “out of control.”

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Trisha has live streamed arguments with her family, claimed she had an anaphylactic reaction to pepper, and had what she says was a breakdown on Memorial Day that landed her in the hospital for nearly a week. In July, Trisha live streamed her separation from her husband, Sean. The two have since reconciled.

A few weeks ago, Trisha claims one of her subscribers, who she says is a “hater,” followed her to Myrtle Beach. She says she confronted the woman in a motel parking lot, then, she alleges, the woman hit Trisha with her car.

Sean says when Trisha first started her YouTube channel, he supported it, but now he says her constant streaming feels like their life is The Truman Show. “None of it needs to be on YouTube,” he says.

Trisha claims she suffers from depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. She says live streaming is one of the only ways she has to express herself, and she won’t be shut down. “I believe I’m the Rosa Parks of the Internet,” she says. “You want to know why? Because I’m not going to sit down, and I’m not going to be told what to do.”

Watch the video above for a full recap of part one of this two-part Dr. Phil. Then, click here to find out where you can watch the conclusion, Monday.

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