How Being Abducted Twice As A Young Girl Has Affected Actress Jan Broberg As An Adult

Actress Jan Broberg claims that at ages 12 and 14 she was abducted by family friend Robert Berchtold. She claims he raped her and brainwashed her into believing that they were supposed to have a child together to save the world. Broberg says these experiences affect how she lives her life and the decisions she makes to this day.

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Dr. Phil offers her advice for healing. “You absolutely have to look at your personal truth with real clear eyes, and that is what you believe about yourself when you don’t have that social mask on,” he explains. “If we think we’re damaged goods, then we’ll generate results that damaged people should have. And you’ve got to be willing to take time to look at that and say, ‘If I’ve got a damaged personal truth, I’m going to repair it,’ because until you do, you’re going to get married a fifth time and a sixth time, and a seventh time, and an eighth time, and it’ll keep going until you decide, ‘Wait a minute. I deserve something better than that.’”

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Broberg, who has written a new book about her ordeal, Abducted in Plain Sight, says, “There is such guilt and shame that you carry around, even when you know it wasn’t your fault, even though you know those things. Like, to really actually repair that inside of you has been a lifelong journey and quest.”

This episode of Dr. Phil airs Thursday. Watch more here.

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