Bear Scratches an Itch on Stairs of Ontario Home

A bear used a wooden handrail as a backscratcher outside a home in Ontario, Canada, on September 20, rubbing its back up and down it while two other bears wandered around the yard.

Sudbury resident Andrew Romo told Storyful he was enjoying his morning coffee when he noticed his dog Ember wouldn’t go outside. He knew something “wasn’t right,” and then spotted three bears walking into his back yard.

“I’m assuming she could smell the three bears coming towards the back side of the house,” Romo said.

He quickly grabbed his phone and filmed this video, he said.

“I think I caught an act of a bear that is very unusual,” Romo told Storyful. “Especially scratching on the stair rail.” Credit: Andrew Romo via Storyful

Video Transcript