The BBC will not renew 'Top Gear' presenter Jeremy Clarkson's contract

The BBC will not renew 'Top Gear' presenter Jeremy Clarkson's contract

Following an investigation into his “fracas” with producer Oisin Tymon, Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been informed that the BBC will not renew his contract, Tony Hall, the BBC Director-General, said in a statement Wednesday.

Clarkson was suspended earlier this month after his physical altercation with Tymon, which allegedly occurred after the producer failed to present hot food for the Top Gear presenter at the end of a day of filming.

According to Ken MacQuarrie’s investigation findings, Clarkson’s physical and verbal attack lasted 30 seconds, included “derogatory and abusive language,” and resulted in the producer sustaining swelling and a bloody lip. Tymon offered no retaliation, and Clarkson attempted to apologize via text, email, and in person in the days following the altercation. Clarkson was the one who reported the incident to the BBC.

Hall said Tymon is not to blame for Clarkson’s suspension.

“He has behaved with huge integrity throughout,” Hall said in the statement. “As a senior producer at the BBC he will continue to have an important role within the organisation in the future.”

Co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May were allegedly offered the opportunity to continue the show without Clarkson during his suspension, but were said to have refused to go on without their colleague. The broadcaster later pulled the remaining episodes of Top Gear.

Last week, Clarkson called his BBC bosses “f–king bastards” at a U.K. charity event.

The BBC is looking to renew the show for 2016, according to the statement, but Hall said that will be “a big challenge.”