Battle of the Birds: Which Parrot Named Einstein Is the Better Impressionist?

Alright, alright, alright, one of these parrots does a perfect Matthew McConaughey impersonation

Parrots are clever, goofy and, at times, shockingly intelligent. So, it’s not surprising that there is more than one African grey parrot named Einstein in this world.

The African grey parrot is a bird that occasionally makes headlines for surprisingly human moments, like Alex the African grey parrot who told his owner I Love You’ the night before he died. Whether they can feel human emotions or not, these birds can certainly imitate humans in a way that is both adorable and eerie.

Einstein and Einstein are two different African grey parrots, both known for their impressive mimicry skills. These birds would make a perfect sketch comedy duo, but unfortunately, they have yet to meet. Until that magic moment happens, we are left to enjoy their talents separately, which is still a delight.

But which bird reigns supreme? Is there one Einstein parrot that is better at, well, parroting? We are leaving that difficult choice to you. Watch the two avian Einsteins below and make your choice.

Tennessee Einstein

This feathered talent lives at Zoo Knoxville in Tennessee, where he recently celebrated his 30th birthday. Over those three decades, Einstein has mastered more imitations than he has years under his wings. This video is just a sampling of the pitch perfect impersonations, from lasers to spooky ghosts, he can perform without hesitation, as long as there are sunflower seed rewards.

Texas Einstein

Just shy of his 20th birthday, this bird lives with his owner in Texas, where he is working on his social media empire. The young upstart might not have as many impressions as his Tennessee twin, but he has the ones that matter. Namely, he can perfectly parrot fellow Texas native Matthew McConaughey.

Now you have the tools to make your own choice in this Battle of the Birds. We understand if it ends up being a tie.

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