Bar Refaeli Signs Plea Deal In Tax Evasion Case, Mom Will Serve 16 Months In Prison (Report)

Bar Refaeli has signed a plea bargain in her years-long tax evasion case. On Tuesday, the Israeli supermodel agreed to complete nine months of community service and pay a $1.5 million fine in addition to millions more in back taxes, according to The Associated Press. Refaeli's mother, Zipi, who also worked as her talent agent, will reportedly serve 16 months in prison. Allegations against the pair date back more than a decade to the height of Refaeli's fame in the U.S., when she dated Leonardo DiCaprio from 2006 to 2011. The now-35-year-old is accused of providing incorrect tax information about her primary residence at that time, allegedly in order to avoid paying higher taxes in her native Israel. Her lawyers told the AP that she did not intentionally break the law and "is taking responsibility for mistakes that were made."