Bailee Madison Chats About Directing The Music Video For New Hope Club's Single, "Worse"

Bailee Madison has worked with a number of the industry's biggest stars and Hollywood powerhouses. She has established an impressive resume with roles in countless films and tv series. Madison is also getting into work behind the camera, including directing the music video for the New Hope Club song, "Worse." While filming, she reunited with her former "Wizards of Waverly Place" co-stars, who make guest appearances in the video. Madison joined BUILD.

Video Transcript


BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: I'm Brittany Jones-Cooper, and welcome to "BUILD at Home." You know our next guest from her roles on "Once Upon a Time." and "The Good Witch." But today, Bailee Madison is here to talk about her directorial debut for a new music video. Welcome, Bailee. How are you

BAILEE MADISON: Hi, Brit, it's good to virtually hang with you guys. I'm glad--

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: I know. So good to see you. First, I would just want an update on how your social distancing is going. What has quarantining been like for you so far?

BAILEE MADISON: Oh, goodness. It's been good. You know, I think the whole thing is so weird and different for so many people. I don't think there's really a right way that anyone's handling it. My sister, actually, right when-- right when we got into like, the stay-at-home alert, she thankfully is OK but got like a small case of COVID-19. And so she lives really close to me.

But it was so difficult, because, obviously I couldn't see her. And so that was just like a weird reality check of what this new world is. But I vision, you know, trying to get stuff done at the house but also check in with myself and quiet time I'm not used to, so learning how to deal with that.

But for the most part, obviously, I mean, it's a privilege to get to stay home and to be home. There's so many people out there who are experiencing it as the real deal for what it really is. So just feel blessed to be safe and have a home to be in and trying to make the most of it.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Absolutely. And I'm glad that your sister is healthy. I mean, I know that had to probably been kind of scary, you know, just going through all that. So I'm happy that she's feeling better.

BAILEE MADISON: Thank you so much. Yes, me too. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Yeah. And what have you been doing to stay busy? I know we were talking earlier. You said you are fostering a puppy?

BAILEE MADISON: I am. Wait, do you want to see him?


BAILEE MADISON: Oh, wait, hold on. I'm going to try and get him over here. Buzz. I am. I'm fostering a puppy. He's like, the sweetest thing. Hold on. I'm going to get him right now.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Go get him. Yeah, puppies don't-- puppies don't really listen to orders.

BAILEE MADISON: Here is. He comes a little bit. This is Buzz.


BAILEE MADISON: Never done an interview before. Oh, that's-- you're acting like you're so sweet. Yes, our dog because you--


BAILEE MADISON: He's so amazing. I've always wanted to foster puppies and dogs and find them homes. But usually with my schedule, it's so difficult because I'm always traveling or somewhere else. But because of staying at home, I was like, one, I want something to do, two, I want something to take care of. that's not myself.

And so I've been working with the Labelle Foundation. And they're wonderful and, you know, trying to find these guys homes. But I think I'm a bad foster parent. So I just want to keep it open. I don't know if I'm the best.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Well, you look like a good foster parent because Buzz was loving up on you. So--

BAILEE MADISON: Oh, we're obsessed. We're obsessed, yeah. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: So I'm glad you have that going on, because, I mean, it's so hard to stay active and stay busy. And I was just checking out the new music video that you directed right before this all happened. So take me back to the beginning because you're an actor. But what inspired you to put on the director's hat and then to get into directing a music video?

BAILEE MADISON: OK, so loaded-- it's like a loaded question of a bunch of things. Directing has really always been a dream of mine. It's been on the bucket list for many, many years now. And I think I've talked to you guys in the past when I started venturing into producing.

I think the passion started, because I've really grown up in this business and in front of the camera. But I've been fortunate enough to realize that it takes an entire team. And it takes a village. And so I've been mentored and been able to learn from, you know, so many incredible producers and directors along the way.

And I've always loved the idea of getting to take the advice that people have spent time to give me and then step behind the camera and give it to fellow actors or people that are on a set but was always kind of waiting for the right time to direct. And then New Hope Club is this incredible band that are based in the UK. And I've been a fan of theirs since they literally started posting on social media.

Lo and behold, now, a year later, they are one of the dearest friends of mine and so close to my heart. And so I did a music video for them in the past about a year ago-- got an email. And they said from their management, would you want to do this new music video again and be in it? And obviously because they're friends of mine too. I was like, what do you guys think about that? Like, I was just with one. Does that work with what I'm doing? Does that work with what you guys are doing?

And Blake Richardson, who's part of the band and a genius, he turned. And he was like, look, you've been wanting to direct. Like, why don't we support each other on this? And you can direct this and help us out and make this a video that we've always dreamed of having but haven't been able to do. And, you know, we can let you venture on and take this task. And so we just literally started from that moment on. But so happy that I was able to do it with so much support around me and vice versa.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That is so cool. And take me through the treatment, because I checked out the music video. You guys are exploring different television era.

BAILEE MADISON: We're hopping around.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: You're going all the way back. So take me through the creation of that idea.

BAILEE MADISON: The creation happened-- once the ask was, do you want to direct it, the way my brain works and the way that Blake's brain works is like, we do just start. Like, we just start coming up with things we can't help ourselves. And so he looked to me. And he said, look, we obviously are lovers of music. The whole band is George and Reece and Blake. And they have such appreciation for the Beatles, down to Oasis and the Stone Roses.

And so they were like, what if there was a way to travel through these different eras that we love and respect and admire and kind of have an ode to the musicians that we look up to so much? And I love that idea, because the song itself is obviously going through a breakup. And, you know, things aren't good anymore. And I feel like a song like that can easily be taken in a predictable kind of direction.

And this is the first sound for the guys as the band. And I said I want to do something that shows you guys in this new mature grown up light. And so then I was like, I just want to cheat on you the whole video. So I did that with like, every member, and that was a blast. But we just immediately kind of came up with it, pitched it, and wrote the treatment.

Obviously there were a lot of speculation because we had to film it in less than 12 hours. I was a first-time director, had to get everyone to sign off on that but just didn't back out and back down and really just believed in the vision. And, I mean, I'm so happy with it. And I think the whole team is as well. So we hope people love it.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: You filmed it in 12 hours. And I would imagine you had to be very focused, because the corona stuff was sort of starting. And there were-- there weren't a lot of times to go back and do reshoots or anything, right?

BAILEE MADISON: No, there wasn't. I mean, thankfully, we filmed this right before, I mean, you realize that things were about to change. I mean, I think about three days later is when I was like, oh, I'm staying home. And it really hit us. And thankfully we literally only had one day on the schedule that worked for all of us to film this video. And it happened to be that day.

And so I feel very, very fortunate that that was the case that, you know, we could enter quarantine with this video in our hands and have the time for me and like to go into the editing room and actually be with the editor in person and edit this video with her. And so, you know, all those things come into play wouldn't have been possible if it was done any later. And so thankful for the timing.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Yeah. And what was the process like working with Blake because I know you guys are very close? And so sometimes working with somebody that you're seeing is very-- it can be stressful. But what was the experience like?

BAILEE MADISON: Yeah, it horrible now. It was great. OK, if you asked him, he'd be like, terrible. No, I mean, it was so much fun. I think it's a fortunate thing for two people to, you know, love being creative so much and love to be able to work hard and have these visions and these ideas in your head. And when that's able to be matched by someone that you respect, not just in a work standpoint, but as a human being in a personal standpoint, it's a really lucky and wonderful thing.

So I was like, look, you want to produce this thing with me? And he was like, I've never produced. And I said, you got this? And he's like, you've got this directing thing. And we just went in like headfirst together. And so I think to have that experience together is obviously a very-- a very, very cool thing for the both of us. But no fights. It was good.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That's good. That's amazing.

BAILEE MADISON: Yeah, it was good. I mean, we got stirred on a few things. But like, rightfully so, we were like, sorry, work mode. OK, I'm off of it now. I'm off of it. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That's just conviction. You need that in a creative process.

BAILEE MADISON: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: That work. I know you--

BAILEE MADISON: --up like, work hours, though and like, non-work hours, because we were like, we were kind of taking it into like the end of the day, as we were like, oh, we have to shut our phones now.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Yeah, that's what I've heard from couples who collaborate. It's like you do have to have a hard off time--

BAILEE MADISON: The day after the video, we were like, phones down. We're celebrating, like, [LAUGHS] how are you? [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: You also called in some other friends to be in the video. So what was the casting like?

BAILEE MADISON: Oh, it was off-- I mean, it's one of those things where I just was like, this is my first time directing. And it would be so cool to get to have these, you know, certain people in my life and friends of mine who have just stuck by my side through this whole thing and my career and my life personally.

And so I just started doing these random asks and was kind of so overwhelmed by the love and the support by the friends who are like, I will be there. Obviously we also decided to film it during like, fashion week and like, Milan fashion week, as so many like, my friends were out of town, but just like the most supportive through the phone whenever I needed them, which meant the world to me.

But the guys were fans of "Wizards of Waverly Place." And obviously I was on it. And they are wonderful friends of mine still. And so I called up David Henry and Jennifer Stone and David DeLuise and Maria. And they were all down in town. And they were like, let's do this, which was so exciting.

And then my friend Robin Lively I did a movie with. She is married to Bart Johnson, who was Coach Bolton on "High School Musical." And I was like, you guys need to come and be in this. And they said yes. And Mike Donnely is a friend of mine and Maggie Ziggler. And so they joined in as well. And it was just like the most supportive, wonderful lovely thing in the entire world to have there. They made it so special.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: And it is so special. I checked out the video. And the energy is so big throughout. And I just love all the transitions you guys make. Congrats on it. I mean, it's such an amazing thing.

BAILEE MADISON: Thank you. It was-- you know what-- it was as much of a passion project and as much love as possible. And so that means the world. Thank you.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Yeah, and I know you have a show coming up on Netflix.

BAILEE MADISON: I did, yeah. Yeah, I have a film I just-- just wrapped up in Nashville.


BAILEE MADISON: It's a musical. And I've obviously-- [LAUGHS] it's like, no surprise now, like, obsessed with music. I always have been. And I've always kind of wanted to tap into that world personally, as well, and see what that holds for me. But wanted to obviously do it in an authentic way. And I think the dream was always, can I combine both these worlds that I love that for the first time.

And the script came along. And I just fell in love with it and was able to produce this movie as well, which was so much fun to have the producing side that I love and the acting side and then also tap into dancing and singing for the first time. But we just found our home in Netflix. So we're really thrilled. And that will, I think, around-- I don't know if I can say. I'm like, soon-- next year-ish around then. But was on Netflix. And it'll be great. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: I'm just impressed by all of the things that you're like, producing and directing and acting and singing. Is there something that you haven't had the chance to do that you are really looking forward to pursuing in-- I don't know-- let's say, the next five years?

BAILEE MADISON: Oh, gosh, that's so loaded. I mean, five years from now, I'm like, hopefully I'm married, like, give you that. Like, I'm pursuing that man. But no, I mean, I would say-- I would say that the hope would be to get to kind of dive deeper and see what it holds for me in terms of the directing world. I think the dream has always been in five years from now, can I start creating my own stuff?

I love writing. This quarantine, I've been working on script ideas and things that I can start to develop. And I think as a woman too, I mean, you know, 20 years, so have growing up in this business. I'm now kind of teetering on that. You know, she's known as the little girl. And then she's now the teenager. And what does this adult world look for her and being very selective.

That's why it's kind of taken some quiet time to not jump from one thing to another, because I feel like this is a very crucial time to kind of start to show who I stand for as an actress in this day and in this time in my life. But it is really hard to find things that do speak to me and that aren't just girl next door, the girlfriend, or, you know, the girl at the party.

And so the idea to start to create things of my own that I know that there are so many people out there that maybe be excited to do and to push themselves in that way. I think that would be a wonderful dream of mine to just start creating a space of my own for others to join.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: I love hearing that from you. One because you're a 20-year-old woman. And that's just a time where you're finding yourself anyway. And so it's cool to hear you kind of going through that and using art to process that. And I'm excited to see some of the stuff that you're going to create.

BAILEE MADISON: Thanks, Britt. You're welcome to join us. Everyone's welcome. [LAUGHS]

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: I'll be here. I'll be there-- the first person in line always. Well, where can people see the new music video?

BAILEE MADISON: YouTube. [LAUGHS] It will be seen on YouTube. It's on New Hope Club's Official Channel. So it's all up in there. Stream it, love it. Let us know what you think. We are so grateful for the support, so thank you, guys.

BRITTANY JONES-COOPER: Awesome. Thank you, Bailey, for joining us. We'll see you next time, OK?

BAILEE MADISON: Of course. Thank you.