‘The Bachelorette’ Recap: Becca Kufrin Falls Hard for Garrett Yrigoyen

SPOILER ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched the June 18 episode of “The Bachelorette.”

Following last week’s bloodbath episode, which landed two suitors in the hospital, Week 4 on “The Bachelorette” brought a little more love and a little less pain, but still plenty of drama.

Picking up at last week’s cocktail party, the episode opened with Becca Kufrin handing out roses to her 17 remaining men (after Clay went home ahead of the rose ceremony last week to get surgery). David, who was hurt last week after he fell out of his bunk bed, returned to the Bachelor Mansion with a broken nose and bruised face to receive an early rose. The Bachelorette sent Ryan and Mike home, bringing the count to 15 men still in the running for Kufrin’s heart.

This week kicked off the season’s first travel dates, with the group continuing the journey for love in Park City, Utah. Garrett Yrigoyen scored the first one-on-one date outside of Los Angeles, with he and Kufrin heading out for a low-key day of shopping and eating in Park City.

Yrigoyen, who received the first impression rose in the premiere, faced public backlash earlier this season after it was revealed he had a history of liking Instagram posts that mocked Parkland high school students, liberal women, trans people, and undocumented immigrants. This was the most screen time he’s gotten since Week 1, and he seems to have Kufrin smitten, after she confessed how much he reminds her of home and how much her late father would have loved him. Hmm, this complicates things.

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Lincoln revealed to the other men that he thinks the Earth is flat. So many questions, but they remain unanswered. Lincoln had his own off-screen drama this week, as he was convicted of indecent assault and battery resulting from a 2016 incident in Boston. A lot of winners this season.

Back on the one-on-one, Kufrin and Garrett headed out on the slopes to bobsled with some former Olympians, as they spoke about their strong feelings for each other. At dinner, they opened up about their past relationships and Garrett confessed he’d been married before, getting divorced after two months. As Kufrin admitted her “really, really strong feelings” toward him, Garrett was given the rose and the two ended the night dancing in front of the crowd at a country concert. Garrett takes the lead as the new frontrunner!

The week’s group date got rugged, with Kufrin taking the group of men into the woods for a lumberjacking competition. The suitors chopped wood, threws axes and lifted logs, all while decked out in plenty of flannel, with software engineer John taking home the trophy. Who knew software engineers knew their way around an axe so well?

At the afterparty, drama brewed with male model Jordan traipsing around the date in golden underwear, while Colton called him out for being a clown. Meanwhile, “colognoisseur” Jean Blanc presented Kufrin with a custom bottle of “Becca Blanc” perfume as he told her he was falling in love with her — which was met by a long silence on the Bachelorette’s part. She then quickly send him home as he tried to backtrack and say he didn’t mean it. Stone cold!

Kufrin returned to the afterparty visibly upset about Jean Blanc lying to her and decided to go home, ending the group date before giving out a rose.

Wills landed the second one-on-one date, with Kufrin still emotional and shaken up from the night before. After the two went snowmobiling and had a picnic on a mountain, The Bachelorette opened up to Wills about her insecurities with the “Bachelor” process. Wills seemed to quell her fears about finding love on reality TV (smart!), as he revealed his past heartbreak and received the date rose.

At the end of the week, Kufrin decided to skip the cocktail party and head straight to the rose ceremony, sending home Nick and Christon and knocking it down to 12 suitors. With a dozen men left, let the real competition begin!

Next week, the show travels to Las Vegas, as male model Jordan promises that he’s about to step up “from Captain Underpants to Captain Just Stole Everyone’s Girl.” Yikes!

“The Bachelorette” airs on Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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