Baby Rhino Born at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Named Viazi — Which Means 'Potato' in Swahili

Busch Gardens Rhino Birth
Busch Gardens Rhino Birth

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

There's a new tater tot at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay in Florida.

According to the theme park, southern white rhino Kisiri gave birth to a healthy calf on October 2 at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's Serengeti Safari.

The calf was born weighing around 150 pounds and joined Kisiri, an experienced mother, on Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's 65-acre Serengeti Plain shortly after arriving in the world.

While the calf was born at the start of the month, the newborn wasn't introduced to the public until recently because the park was still waiting on a name for the little rhino.

Several days after the calf's birth, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay shared a list of three potential names for the rhino — Viazi, which means "potato" in Swahili; Vumbi, which means "dust" in Swahili; and Bahati, which means "luck/fortune" in Swahili — and asked animal lovers to vote for their favorite option.

Busch Gardens Rhino Birth
Busch Gardens Rhino Birth

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Viazi, or potato, won by "a landslide," according to the theme park.

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On October 22, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay introduced Viazi to the world. "And his name is ... Viazi (which means "potato" in Swahili)! Thank you so much to everyone who voted and helped to name the new baby rhino! We are thrilled to have such an energetic little guy on the Serengeti and can't wait to see him grow," the Florida park shared on Facebook along with a video of the calf frolicking in the grass.

Busch Gardens Rhino Birth
Busch Gardens Rhino Birth

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

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Those who would like to see Viazi enjoying the Serengeti Plain alongside zebras, ostriches, giraffes, and other animals, can set up a Serengeti Safari at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay or ride the Serengeti Express through the Plain.