Aziz Ansari Hopes to Change His Single Status: 'I'm Alone Right Now'

Master of… some?

In his latest interview with GQ Style, the now-technologically unplugged Aziz Ansari revealed that while he’s got a sturdy grip on his career right now, it’s not so easy when it comes to the personal stuff.

In fact, the Master of None star admitted that he’s currently single and if he could change the world, he would “probably adjust my personal life to be in a loving relationship and I’d probably just adjust it so I got to spend more time with my parents.”

Agreeing he’s “got the world by the balls professionally” right now, Ansari said he doesn’t feel the need to invest more energy into that side of his life and would rather focus on building relationships, which is why we shouldn’t expect him to be working on season 3 of his soulful Netflix comedy. “Alan once said it best: It’s like we just gave birth to a kid and they’re like, When are you gonna have another kid? … My life has not progressed enough for me to write season three yet.”

The Parks and Recreation alum said of his present and foreseeable future, “I’m very happy. That’s another reason I don’t really care about work stuff … I’d rather figure out the other things in my life that I don’t feel as good about. I don’t feel as good about my personal life as I do my professional life.”

“Personally, I’m alone right now,” the comic added, explaining that his dream girl would be “someone I would be thrilled to do nothing with who would be as equally thrilled to do nothing with me.”

As for whether he wants kids, Ansari seemed unsure; however, he did say he was looking forward to meeting “someone I want to have that discussion with.”

Both seasons of Master of None are available for streaming on Netflix.