AZ, Daniel’s Leather, And VIBE Host Coat Drive At Brooklyn Public School

AZ, Daniel’s Leather, and VIBE Editor-At-Large Datwon Thomas put a smile on dozens of children’s faces during an elementary school coat giveaway at P.S. 9 Sarah Smith Garnet in Brooklyn, New York.

On Monday (Dec. 11), Daniel’s Leather provided free leather coats to students at their alma mater. The festive occasion saw children in pre-K through fifth grade filing into the school’s library, where tables filled with luxury outerwear instantly captured their attention and sparked feelings of glee.

As they assisted students with choosing a coat style, AZ, Daniel’s Leather owner Nadeem Waheed, and Thomas encouraged the children to take joy in the moment, with many of them obliging by style and profile in their new outerwear.

Some students pulled off nifty dance moves while wearing their coats with joy permeating throughout the room. The generous moment reminded AZ about the power of contributing to those less fortunate, especially as someone who once walked those very same halls as a youth decades ago.

“Giving back to the kids today felt like a full circle moment,” the Brooklyn native told VIBE after the drive. “I never got to experience that vibe as a kid so I wanted to bring my dream to a reality.”

Nadeem Waheed, Datwon Thomas And AZ With Student At P.S. 9 Coat Drive
Nadeem Waheed, Datwon Thomas And AZ With Student At P.S. 9 Coat Drive

The rapper, who recently released his latest studio album, Truth Be Told, says the idea for the coat drive came to life while shopping at Daniel’s Leather’s retail location on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. “I ran into Nadeem and being that it was Christmas time, we both agreed it was time to give back,” he shared.

After pitching the idea to Waheed, AZ recruited Thomas to join in on the endeavor which he plans to make a yearly tradition. “Daniel’s Leather and VIBE were the best collaboration to do a coat drive [with] ’cause they both love the community such as myself,” he explained. “This need to become an annual thing.”

AZ And Datwon Thomas At P.S. 9 Coat Drive
AZ And Datwon Thomas At P.S. 9 Coat Drive

Thomas, who was recently appointed as Executive Producer, Talent at Dick Clark Productions spoke about teaming up with the pair and shared his personal history with the school.

“Since AZ and I are former students at P.S. 9, the connection is deeper and our mission is to continue to support the excellent school administration going forward,” he shared. “Those kids are the future and we have to make sure they are equipped to handle the school year during the holidays and beyond.”

The trio—along with media manager Chyna Williams, NYPD public safety officers, and P.S. 9 faculty—remained onsite until every child was ensured a coat and took time to console students overwhelmed by the act of kindness.

“That was the most awesome feeling ever,” Thomas added. “To come back to the school all these years later to provide for the kids really touched my heart. Getting them into the coat they wanted and seeing them smile truly filled my spirit.”

See more photos from the coat drive below.

Daniel's Leathers Coats At P.S. 9 Coat Drive
Daniel's Leathers Coats At P.S. 9 Coat Drive
P.S. 9 Coat Drive
P.S. 9 Coat Drive
P.S. 9 Coat Drive
P.S. 9 Coat Drive
Nadeem Waheed, AZ And Datwon Thomas At P.S. 9 Coat Drive
Nadeem Waheed, AZ And Datwon Thomas At P.S. 9 Coat Drive

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