Awesome Toy Picks: Captain America/Carol Danvers Marvel Legends Infinite Series Collection

Each week we take a close look at a comic book collectible. That means taking it out of the package. We've seen Marvel action figures from some different companies and this week we're looking at the latest Marvel Legends Infinite Series 3-pack from Hasbro.

This is a Target exclusive. It was released a month or so ago for $50.00. That seems like a lot but it's actually not a bad deal when you consider you're getting three figures. Single figures are close to $20 these days.

What's interesting is the selection of figures. You get Captain America, Carol Danvers (in her Ms. Marvel costume), and Radioactive Man. It's obvious that the average Target shopper won't likely know who Ms. Marvel or Radioactive Man are. I'm always intrigued by the description they put on the back.

With just the vaguest of descriptions, this could be an introduction to the two characters for many. You'd have to wonder how many people would buy this exclusive set if they didn't know the other characters. Not surprisingly, the set did go on clearance for $30. It's sold out online but maybe you can still find a set at your local Target. You can definitely find them on eBay.

Captain America

Chances are you may already own a Captain America figure. I was hesitant about buying this just because I do have a few. There is a slightly different sculpt to the figure.

There's a more movie/Ultimate Universe feel to him. The shield has silver instead of white. He doesn't have the wings sticking out on his mask (he hasn't had those in a long time). There's also a lot going on with him. He has a lot hanging off his belt. His gloves and boots are the more practical versions as well.

The Cap figure does come with an unmasked head. You can also put the shield on his back. It just clips onto his arm. The clip rotates slightly so you can stick a peg in the hole on his back.

It's a decent figure. I'm always on the fence with the Marvel Legends figures. The articulation is nice but I'm not a fan of the stomach articulation. I think it leaves too noticeable of a joint. But the figure can easily stand on it's own so it's easy to pose.

Radioactive Man

Radioactive Man. Really? This seemed like a really odd choice to me. I guess on one hand, chances are you don't own a Radioactive Man figure. I never really thought I'd own one or really wanted to. But again, it's great to see a non-common character included. We always see the same few characters as figures so it's cool to see another one.

The main reason he's an odd choice is because it's so hard to figure out if he's a hero or a villain. He keeps flip-flopping what he wants to do.

The unfortunate thing about the figure is the attempt to make him appear radioactive. You can easily see his joints and through the plastic. The other thing is the paint job. I've heard that was a common thing with this set. Many suffered from sub-par paint jobs. If you do find this set in stores, you'll have to be careful. If you can only get it online, good luck.

Radioactive Man is also wearing his skirt. How many figures do you have wearing a skirt?

It's a little weird that he has a hole in his back. Maybe Cap will let him carry his shield for him.

The figure did remind me a little of my Mucus Tick figure.

Ms. Marvel

We all know Carol Danvers no longer goes by Ms. Marvel. Perhaps Hasbro was unaware. We know there is a Carol as Captain Marvel figure coming out this year in the Marvel Legends line (you can see it HERE). I suppose it's nice having one of her in her former costume if you don't already have one. Some have been made over the years.

It's a pretty good sculpt. I would say the figure is a little skinny with pretty big boobs. But we are talking about a comic book character so it's not surprising. It's not the most practical costume but there is that sense of nostalgia, even though it hasn't been that long since she last wore it.

It is a nice touch that her sash isn't simply painted on. It's a little loose so it can move around a bit.

Looking at the figure, you do notice that it is pretty ridiculous. It's like she wore a bathing suit with thigh-high boots and long gloves. You can also notice the unfortunate joints in her legs. I always say, there's such a thing as too much articulation. The price you pay is the obvious joints and seams.

It's a nice set, especially if you've been looking for any of these characters or simply are a fan of the Infinite Series. I'm not completely sold. There are some minor problems with the seams and paint job. I just thought it was cool to have a Carol Danvers figure and now I can say I actually own a Radioactive Man figure.

Check out your local Target store to see if they still have any. As mentioned, it could be in the clearance section. You can find it on eBay but it'd likely be closer to the $50 mark.

Let us know what you think of these figures and if you own them yourselves. We'll have another item featured next time.

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