How to Get Away With Murder: Karla Souza blogs 'She's Dying' episode

How Karla Souza really felt about Frank rejecting Laurel on 'HTGAWM'

We’re only two episodes into the sophomore season of How to Get Away With Murder, but some of last season’s relationships have already started to progress. Asher considers Bonnie his girlfriend, Connor moved in with Oliver, and Annalise started things back up with pre-Sam lover Eve. But when Laurel (Karla Souza) goes to Frank (Charlie Weber) for more of what they had in season 1, he rejects her, no longer wanting to be treated like a piece of thickly-bearded meat.

But when one relationship ends, another one begins. Michaela (Aja Naomi King) met a cute guy at the courthouse and thanks to after some persuading from Connor (Jack Falahee), she took up the potential criminal on his offer of a night out. The twist: This dude knew Rebecca, which we learn when Wes (Alfred Enoch) finds a picture of his dead girlfriend with Michaela’s new man.

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As we saw in the teaser for next week’s installment, sex and murder have a lot in common, so we’ll see what motives the newcomer has for getting involved with one of the Keating Five. EW turned to Souza to see what she thought about Frank’s reaction to Laurel’s advances and what to expect from next week’s lesson on murder.

Favorite line from the episode: Frank’s line: “Because this … is closed for business”

Favorite moment filming the episode: When Laurel was in the car with Frank and I got to spend some quality time with Charlie making silly jokes about why that lady called him “Butter.”

Most jaw-dropping moment: When you see that the guy in the picture next to Rebecca is the guy Michaela is out on a date with! And when you see A.D.A Sinclair has also been murdered!

Sketchiest character: That guy who is in the picture next to Rebecca and now trying to date Michaela.

Teaser for next episode: Sex has a lot to do with Murder, you will see why!