How to Get Away With Murder: Betsy Beers and Liza Weil on Bonnie's tortured past

First Listen: Betsy Beers and Liza Weil on Bonnie's tortured past on 'HTGAWM'

Each week, executive producer Betsy Beers goes behind the scenes of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder in her podcast, Shondaland Revealed — and each week, EW will have an exclusive first listen of the latest episode.

This week, Beers catches up with How to Get Away with Murder star Liza Weil to discuss how long the actress knew about Bonnie’s tortured past, and what book she read to prepare for it. Plus: Beers shares a deleted scene from the pilot used in Weil’s audition, while Weil shares her secret to crying on cue.

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How to Get Away with Murder airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on ABC.