Avril Lavigne Weighs in on Popular Clone Conspiracy Theory in New Interview

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Avril Lavigne is once again addressing one of the most popular conspiracy theories surrounding her persona.

During a new appearance on the popular Call Her Daddy podcast, Avril Lavigne was asked to clear the air about the popular conspiracy theory that claims the real Avril Lavigne died in the early 2000s and was replaced by a doppelgänger named Melissa Vandella.

Related: 8 of the Most Popular Conspiracy Theories in Pop Culture History

Speaking to host Alex Cooper, Lavigne took the chance to address the rumors. “There is a conspiracy theory that I’m not me,” the Canadian star prefaced before proceeding to give a thumbs up to the camera. “Cool,” she added, deadpan, before laughing it all off. “Honestly, it’s not that bad; it could be worse, right? I feel like I got a good one. I don’t think it’s, like, negative or anything, like, creepy [so] we are good.”

After Cooper pointed out that it is arguably a bit creepy, Lavigne just cleared the air, saying: “Obviously, I am me, it’s so dumb.” (On TikTok, Lavigne’s clarification did not translate with many claiming “this is soooooo something melissa would say” and pointing out things like, "why did her reaction make me think the theory is actually real?")

Actually, this isn’t the first time that Avril Lavigne has addressed the Melissa conspiracy theory. Back in 2018, the artist echoed the sentiment on Australian radio, saying: "Some people think that I'm not the real me, which is so weird! Like, why would they even think that?" Well, we'll leave it up to the people.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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