Author of new Melania Trump tell-all book defends secret recordings: ‘I pressed record after I was accused of a crime’

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff was a longtime friend to Melania Trump and was one of her first hires when Trump became the first lady. But on Wednesday on "The View," Winston Wolkoff detailed how that friendship soured, which is the gist of her new tell-all book, "Melania & Me." On the show, Meghan McCain confronted Winston Wolkoff by saying that she's capitalizing on her past friendship with Melania Trump. “I don’t like tell-all books like this,” McCain said. “I think secretly recording your friend and selling its contents for profit certainly ups the ante and seems not only unethical but just gross.” But Winston Wolkoff rebutted McCain and claimed she only made those recordings for her own protection. “I did not write this book for money, I did not take any advance for this,” she said. “My life literally went into shatters ... I didn’t press record on a friend, I pressed record after I was accused of a crime and I was thrown under the bus.”