Atom vs Arrow! Arrow's heroes face off as Dig ties the knot

Atom vs Arrow! Arrow's heroes face off as Dig ties the knot

While Diggle (David Ramsey) is planning to tie the knot, Oliver (Stephen Amell) sets his sights on confronting Starling’s new hero: Ray Palmer, aka The Atom (Brandon Routh).

“We’re not super happy about it only because the vigilantism that’s going on in Starling City, they aren’t well-trained,” Ramsey tells EW. “It’s more that issue than it is anything else. The intentions are good, but these people aren’t trained and they have their reservations about that.”

However, even if Palmer had more training, Oliver still wouldn’t be his No. 1 fan. “He’s good with all the help that he can get, but if he’s going to be romantically involved with Felicity, [that’s different],” Amell says. “Oliver being someone else other than just himself is the precise reason why he doesn’t want to be involved with Felicity. He’s fine with Ray being involved with her, except if he’s The Atom, it creates the exact same set of problems.”

But going toe-to-toe with Ray could put Oliver at odds with Felicity, who you may be surprised to hear actually sides with Ray. “She does end up supporting it because we need it, but she’s nervous and anxious because he’s out in the field and he’s in danger,” Emily Bett Rickards says. “It’s a friend and it’s someone she knows and is growing to love. You’re putting your teammate in danger, so she doesn’t necessarily feel gung-ho.”

As for what’s supposed to be the joyous occasion of Diggle and Lyla getting married, the big day won’t go off without a hitch. “Suicide Squad interrupts our wedding,” says Ramsey, who teases that there’s a surprise wedding officiant. (Scoop on that here.) “Michael Rowe is just fantastic in the episode. It’s a big episode for him. We learn a lot about Deadshot. We’re actually going to see some of his life in that.”

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.