I Used AI To Reveal What MCU Characters Would Look Like If Every Single Character Was Black, And Iron-Man Is Giving "Tropic Thunder" Vibes

Let's be honest: Black History Month might've been a day longer this year, but we must keep the party going. So, why not spice up the Marvel Cinematic Universe with an all-Black cast of heroes and villains?

Note: If this really happened, it would put the fandoms into chaos, but as Thanos said, "Fun Isn’t Something One Considers When Balancing The Universe. But This… Does Put A Smile On My Face."

Disclaimer: The following images were created using generative AI image models for the sake of entertainment and curiosity. The images also reveal the biases and stereotypes that currently exist within AI models and are not meant to be seen as accurate or full depictions of the human experience.

1.Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff:

Black Black Widow in sci-fi armor, intense gaze, futuristic backdrop
Black Black Widow in sci-fi armor, intense gaze, futuristic backdrop

2.Dr. Strange / Stephen Strange:

Black Doctor Strange
Black Doctor Strange

3.Thor Odinson:

Close-up of character Black Thor with traditional tribal markings
Close-up of character Black Thor with traditional tribal markings

4.Bruce Banner/Hulk:

Close-up Black Bruce Banner portraying intense emotion, wearing glasses and a collared shirt
Close-up Black Bruce Banner portraying intense emotion, wearing glasses and a collared shirt
Hulk figure with a serious expression
Hulk figure with a serious expression

5.Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes:

Close-up of character Black Bucky Barnes in tactical gear from the series
Close-up of character Black Bucky Barnes in tactical gear from the series

6.Loki Laufeyson:

Black Loki in ornate armor looking solemn
Black Loki in ornate armor looking solemn

7.Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff:

Black Scarlet Witch in her red and purple battle suit with high-tech headpiece
Black Scarlet Witch in her red and purple battle suit with high-tech headpiece


Thanos, a fictional character from Marvel, is shown with a detailed armored suit
Thanos, a fictional character from Marvel, is shown with a detailed armored suit

9.Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers:

Black Captain Marvel in his suit with focused expression
Black Captain Marvel in his suit with focused expression

10.Hawkeye / Clint Barton:

Black Hawkeye aiming with a bow and arrow, intense expression, quiver of arrows visible
Black Hawkeye aiming with a bow and arrow, intense expression, quiver of arrows visible

11.Wolverine / Logan (James Howlett):

Close-up of a Black Wolverine with intense expression, wearing a dark jacket with a raised collar
Close-up of a Black Wolverine with intense expression, wearing a dark jacket with a raised collar

12.Ant-Man / Scott Lang:

Close-up of Black Ant-Man in helmet with detailed suit texture, looking straight ahead
Close-up of Black Ant-Man in helmet with detailed suit texture, looking straight ahead


Close-up of a person dressed as the character Black Mystique from X-Men, with blue skin, red hair, and scale-like texture on the face
Close-up of a person dressed as the character Black Mystique from X-Men, with blue skin, red hair, and scale-like texture on the face

14.Ms. Marvel / Kamala Khan

Black Ms. Marvel character in a superhero costume with a mask and emblem
Black Ms. Marvel character in a superhero costume with a mask and emblem

15.Magneto / Erik Magnus Lehnsherr:

Close-up of Black Magneto wearing futuristic armor, with a focused expression
Close-up of Black Magneto wearing futuristic armor, with a focused expression

16.Professor X / Charles Xavier:

Black Charles Xavier in a suit seated in a wheelchair, with a stern expression and hands clasped
Black Charles Xavier in a suit seated in a wheelchair, with a stern expression and hands clasped

17.Falcon / Sam Wilson

Black woman Falcon in a superhero suit with a star emblem, wearing futuristic sunglasses, with an intense expression
Black woman Falcon in a superhero suit with a star emblem, wearing futuristic sunglasses, with an intense expression

18.Iron Man / Tony Stark:

Black Tony Stark/Iron Man in his suit, helmet off, showing a focused expression
Black Tony Stark/Iron Man in his suit, helmet off, showing a focused expression

19.And finally, Madame Web / Cassandra Webb:

Woman in a Spider-Man inspired outfit with a textured pattern, looking intensely forward
Woman in a Spider-Man inspired outfit with a textured pattern, looking intensely forward