Arrow: Here's how Tommy Merlyn returned…

Arrow: Here's how Tommy Merlyn returned

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Thursday’s episode of Arrow. Read at your own risk!

Is Tommy Merlyn somehow inexplicably alive?

Arrow tantalized viewers with that possibility last week in a promo that revealed Tommy (Colin Donnell) quite literally crashing through the ceiling of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) trial in the Green Arrow costume.

Alas, there was no retcon; Tommy did die in season 1.

As revealed during Thursday’s episode, the man in the costume was actually Christopher Chance, a.k.a Human Target, wearing the face of Tommy Merlyn to provide enough reasonable doubt that would hopefully exonerate Oliver. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) backed up the claim, even knowing Diaz (Kirk Acevedo) would come for her.

Though Oliver was ultimately found guilty, the judge granted Oliver’s freedom — well, Human Target posing as the judge granted his freedom. He really is handy to have on the team!

While Ricardo had previously decided against killing Oliver, and therefore turning him into a martyr, by hour’s end, he vows to kill the Green Arrow, his friends and family. The best-laid plans …

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on the CW.