Will Arnett, John Oliver team for 'nuanced' border patrol recruitment commercial

Wall or no wall, building up security on the U.S. borders takes manpower, and the president has ordered an additional 5,000 people be added to the Customs and Border Protection team. Seems easy enough, right?

Not so much. As John Oliver pointed out on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight, the last time the government ordered the CBP to boost its numbers — shortly after 9/11 — nearly half of those hired wound up unsuitable for service following a lie detector test that took place after they’d already been cleared. And that screening process will only get weaker as they try to boost numbers again for an organization one former head of CBP internal affairs says has “a rate of corruption that far [exceeds] that of any other law enforcement agency” in the country.

So Oliver took matters into his own hands, tapping Will Arnett to narrate a recruitment video for Border Patrol employees that offers a realistic view of all the action one might see on a given day. “That’s right, just you, the desert, and nothing for miles around.”

Watch the video above.

Last Week Tonight airs Sundays at 11 p.m. on HBO.