'Survivor's Joe Anglim Cuts His Iconic Hair at Season Finale After Sia's $15k Offer

Joe Anglim's iconic hair is no longer.

The Survivor star found himself cutting off his luscious locks backstage at Wednesday night's season finale of Edge of Extinction after Sia -- yes, Sia -- challenged him to do so.

"Hey @janglim21 if you cut your hair off and donate it to a children's cancer wig making charity I'll give you 15k," Sia tweeted during the finale, just minutes after Probst joked that maybe Anglim's hair was the reason he's never won in his three seasons of Survivor.

Anglim didn't seem too receptive to Probst's suggestion, but told ET after the show that Sia was a little more convincing. She had also awarded $100,000 to this season's Rick Sevens, and another $15,000 to Aurora McCreary.

"It all just kind of like, snowballed. I was like, 'Yeah, sure. Let's make it happen. Let's roll with it.' I got to talk to her, I got to talk to everybody. Like, let's just do it for charity and make some kids' day," he explained as his fiancée -- fellow Survivor alum Sierra Dawn Thomas -- praised his new 'do.

"I love it! I love Joe for many reasons. One of them is his hair," she said. "I love it. He could be bald and I would still love him. But I think he looks very handsome. It's going to take a little bit of time to get used to."

"Yeah, I'm already reaching for it," added Anglim, who has been rocking longer hair for years.

"No more ma'am jokes," Thomas noted. "Whenever his hair is down, I'm like, 'Ma'am, excuse me. Ma'am!' So I can't make those jokes anymore."

"I appreciate it," Anglim said with a smile.

Tasia Wells/Getty Images

The $15,000 bonus isn't too bad, either. "So many blessings, I just don't know where to begin. So, just pay it forward! Just try to find an opportunity to raise some awareness and give back and do those little things when you can," the multimedia artist shared. "So, it's been good. More than good, it's frickin' great, so we're just great. We're blessed. We're just doing what we can."

As for what's next for the couple, that would be their upcoming wedding. They told ET they have a fall "bohemian" ceremony in mind, and that Probst will get an invite. They also haven't ruled out more reality TV.

"[We could do Survivor: Blood vs. Water], or Amazing Race!" Anglim exclaimed.

"Options are endless!" Thomas jumped in.

"Options are endless, but I already told her, 'You're only allowed to play again if I get to play with you.' So, she doesn't get to go out by herself without me," he teased of Thomas, who has two seasons under her belt. "She'll be like, 'So, I played more days than you!'"

Thomas made sure to remind Anglim of that before he left for Edge of Extinction. "I was like, 'You better play more days than me,'" she confessed.

"'You better not come back and lose.' I'm like, 'Thanks, honey. No pressure. Alright, awesome,'" he recalled, shrugging off his loss this season. "Well, I got a haircut out of it."

Survivor returns to CBS this fall. See more in the video below.


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