There's Something Horribly Familiar About The Accusations Against Harvey Weinstein

The accusations of sexual assault and harassment against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein are sickening. Women describe a man who coerced them into unwanted physical contact ― and got away with it because ultimately, he was powerful and famous and they were not.

The accusations also sound a lot like what women have said about President Donald Trump.

The Republican Party ― including members of Trump’s own family ― has aggressively gone after Democrats who once hobnobbed with Weinstein and took campaign donations from him.

At the same time, they’re supporting a man who is accused of much of the exact same behavior.

Below are statements from women describing what Trump and Weinstein allegedly did to them. They sound remarkably similar. Sliding to the left will reveal which man they’re referring to.

Sources: Slide 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.