'Once Upon a Time' casts Jorge Garcia as...

'Once Upon a Time' casts Jorge Garcia as...

Another Lost veteran is heading to fairy tale land.

Jorge Garcia will guest star in a season two episode of ABC’s Once Upon a Time. He’ll play “The Giant.” No other casting details are available at this time.*

Garcia joins fellow Lostie Emilie de Ravin on the show, who has been promoted to a series regular for the upcoming season. Plus, of course, there’s a bunch of other new characters being added to the show, including Mulan (Jamie Chung), Lancelot (Sinqua Walls), Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) and Sleeping Beauty (Sarah Bolger).

* My guess: Perhaps Rumpelstiltskin’s lost son encountered Garcia after he planted that bean and dove into the portal? You know, Jack and the Beanstalk style?