'Once Upon a Time' bosses answer Yes/No/Can't Say (or a little more) to your Twitter Q's

The Hot Seat: 'Once Upon a Time' bosses answer your burning questions

As the hunt for the Author heats up and Regina (Lana Parrilla) puts herself in danger for the greater good, EW decided to put Once Upon a Time executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis in The Hot Seat, where they have the option of answering your questions from Twitter with “Yes,” “No” or “Can’t say.” Get the scoop below:

Will we find out more about page 23 in the storybook?


Will we ever find out why Pinocchio’s story wasn’t in the book to begin with?

EDWARD KITSIS: He wanted Emma to know his story and remember to get her to believe, so he added pages. But we are going to be diving more into him writing more pages.

HOROWITZ: We are going to dive more into the backstory with what happened with him writing pages in the book and why he was doing what he was doing.

Since the trip to the past altered time, would Emma and Hook be present in the storybook now during that time?

HOROWITZ: Their presence only altered a very tiny bit, which we showed in the season finale last year. We saw that Princess Leia and Prince Charles were at the ball. That’s the extent of their involvement.

Does Rumple’s new quest for a happy ending re-write include Baelfire?

KITSIS: It does not, because unfortunately Baelfire is no longer with us.

HOROWITZ: But the loss of Baelfire weighs heavily on his quest and it’s addressed.

It was said that Rumple created the Dark Curse. Will it be addressed why he needed the Queens of Darkness to steal it?

KITSIS: That was addressed in the episode. He brought them there to die so he can leave with it.

HOROWITZ: We’ve actually never explained the origin of the Dark Curse. We’ve never said definitively who created it or not. Rumple says at the end of season 1 that he put the true love potion onto it to create it, but what he was talking about was implementing the curse. What we have shown now is it wound up protected by the Chernobog at one point and he had to get it.

KITSIS: In a lot of ways, it’s kind of like a virus. Rumple has weaponized it and targeted it, and then found the vaccine for it.

Will Pongo cross paths with Cruella?


Any chance we’ll see Atlantis?


Is Lily Maleficent’s daughter?

KITSIS: Can’t say.

Is Maleficent a fairy?


Will this undercover operation put Regina’s life in danger?


Will we see Cora return this season?


Will Robin Hood ever come back to Storybrooke?

HOROWITZ: I would keep watching.

KITSIS: I hope so, it’s just so sad what happened to them, but you never know on this show.

Will Emma and Hook have another crazy adventure this year?


Will we ever see Hook as a young boy?

KITSIS: Not this season, but someday.

If Emma goes evil, does that make her the Black Swan?


Will the consequences of Snow and Charming sharing a heart be addressed this year?


Will we see Belle’s mother again this season?


HOROWITZ: Not this year.

Will we see how Belle and Will came together?

KITSIS: No, but we will hear how.

Will we be finding out what happened to Will’s true love Anastasia?

HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will we hear an “I love you” from any of the couples this season?

HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will there be anymore pregnancies this season?

HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

Will everyone survive the Queens of Darkness’ wrath?

HOROWITZ: Can’t say.

KITSIS: Everyone but Pongo. [Laughs]

HOROWITZ: We do a lot of crazy stuff, but we would not hurt a dog.

Have questions for the Once bosses? Hit the comments below or send them to @NatalieAbrams with the hashtag #EWHotSeat.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.