'Insecure?' Every Time President Trump Has Tweeted About Hillary Clinton Since His Inauguration

Covfefe! Twitter Explodes After Donald Trump Mistakenly Tweets Out Fake Word

Last year’s presidential election came to a close when Donald Trump secured the necessary number of electoral votes - 270 - in the early hours of the morning on November 9, 2016.

But the president can’t seem to stop tweeting about it.

In addition to the election itself, he’s also still talking about his former opponent, Hillary Clinton, and already holding campaign rallies, despite being just months into his White House tenure.

On Monday, Trump accused Clinton (again) of getting the debate questions early - and demanded an apology.

He wondered if her campaign chairman’s brother was paid to lift Russian sanctions.

He said the scandal involving Russian interference in the 2016 election was just a cover-up from Clinton’s campaign.

And said there was contact between the Clinton campaign and the Russians.

Really, he’s had a lot to say about Clinton and Russia.

A lot.

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He talked about the DNC chair race - and said Clinton chose the winner.

And he still seems to be fixated on the 2016 election, whether he’s talking about “way off” polls ...

... or accusing President Obama of wiretapping his phones during the election.

He says the Democrats are trying to “save face” after the election by concocting other scandals, like Jeff Sessions’ meeting with the Russian ambassador.

According to Trump, the entire Russia scandal has been created by the Democrats.

Jason Kander, the Democratic former secretary of state of Missouri, suggested insecurity was at the heart of Trump’s continued Twitter crusade against Clinton.

And Nick Merrill, who was Clinton’s campaign spokesman, recently cast Trump’s Twitter fixation on Clinton as an existential dilemma, asking Trump in a tweet: “Don’t you have 300 million constituents to serve?”

This article was originally published on PEOPLE.com