This 'Get Hard' red-band trailer is really, REALLY NSFW

This 'Get Hard' red-band trailer is really, REALLY NSFW

There are red-band trailers… and then there are red-band trailers like the one for Get Hard, the Will Ferrell-Kevin Hart comedy about a white-collar criminal who hires a black man to teach him the skills for surviving life in prison. Never mind that said black man’s only qualifications for such a task is his skin color—Ferrell’s clueless tax cheat is more than happy to hand over $30,000 for some phony thug-life life lessons.

The raunchy new clip is… how shall I saw this… blue? There’s some foul language, which is not unexpected. There’s some nudity—both of Ferrell and some topless Nazi. Last but certainly not least, though, there are some comical sexual shenanigans so NSFW that it’s difficult to describe without getting into trouble. Let me just say that Ferrell has completely ruined butterfly kisses for all time. 

Get Hard opens in theaters on March 27.