'Glee' guru Ryan Murphy shopping sex show

'Glee' guru Ryan Murphy shopping sex show

Leave it to Ryan Murphy to find another tantalizing subject that should satiate his devoted audience.

EW has confirmed that the co-creator of Glee, American Horror Story and The New Normal is busy shopping a new script with Dexter co-executive producer Lauren Gussis that Deadline describes as a modern, provocative exploration of human sexuality and relationships.

It’s likely the project will end up on cable, where all of the good hibity-dibity seems to be happening these days. And there’s already a bidding frenzy in the works.

In fact, steamy sex series could become the next rage. In September, Showtime is scheduled to premiere Masters of Sex, a new drama starring Michael Sheen and the captivating Lizzy Caplan that’s about the real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality. And you can’t study sex without watching someone have sex, right?

The drama was created by Michelle Ashford (The Pacific) and is based on Thomas Maier’s biography Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson.