'Fifty Shades of Wayne' replaces Christian Grey with, yes, Batman

'Fifty Shades of Wayne' replaces Christian Grey with, yes, Batman

Fifty Shades of Grey has already parodied been a lot, but “Fifty Shades of Wayne” marks the first time that Batman has gotten in on the BDSM action.

In this mashup of clips from both Fifty Shades and Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, we see Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) and his alter ego step in for Jamie Dornan’s Christian Grey—and the result is actually not that different.

After all, Bruce Wayne is a tortured and conflicted billionaire, much like Christian Grey. And, like Grey, Wayne also has a place where he keeps his toys.

Josh Meeter, the creator of this mash-up, wrote on YouTube that “when my wife told me what Fifty Shades of Grey was all about… this is EXACTLY what I had imagined.”

Though the Dark Knight probably won’t be invited into any Fifty Shades sequels, Wayne, Anastasia, and Christian would make for an interesting love triangle.