'Conan' cuts loose in Cuba: New trailer

Watch Conan roam free in Cuba

Tomorrow, Coco goes to Cuba. Today, we can watch early highlights of this humanitarian mission. 

TBS has released a new trailer of Conan O’Brien’s visit to Cuba—which airs Wednesday at 11 p.m. on Conan—and it contains footage of our reddish-topped host wooing the locals by dancing in a white suit, singing absurd songs, buying sweet wine, speaking a form of Spanish and unveiling the Cuban Andy. It is unclear if relations between our two countries will be helped or irreparably harmed by his visit.

O’Brien became the first late-night host in more than 50 years to film a show in Cuba when he traveled there in mid-February for a few days of filming in the wake of President Obama reestablishing diplomatic ties with the country.

Check out the footage below.