AOC takes down Ted Cruz over coronavirus comment: 'I’m surprised you’re asking about chromosomes given you don’t believe in evolution'

New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has delivered an online lesson to Republican Ted Cruz after he questioned her authority to comment on matters of science.

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s decision to appoint vice president Mike Pence to spearhead the administration’s response to the coronavirus, many have questioned the move.

Some claimed that as governor of Indiana, he failed to act quickly enough to tackle an outbreak of HIV in his state in 2015 that eventually infected more than 200 people, some of whom were drug users who had been sharing needles.

“I don’t believe that effective anti-drug policy involves handing out paraphernalia to drug users by government officials,” he said at the time.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter: “Mike Pence literally does not believe in science. It is utterly irresponsible to put him in charge of US coronavirus response as the world sits on the cusp of a pandemic.”

Related Video: Cruz’s AOC Criticism Backfires

She added: “This decision could cost people their lives. Pence’s past decisions already have.”

Among those to jump to the vice president’s defence was Mr Cruz, the right wing Texas senator who is a staunch Christian, and who in 2016 was Mr Pence’s first pick for president, before he switched support to Mr Trump.

“As you are speaking as the oracle of science, tell us, what exactly is a Y chromosome,” Mr Cruz said to Ms Ocasio-Cortez in the first of a trio of questions.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez, who once worked as a waitress, responded: “Sen Cruz, while I understand you judge people’s intelligence by the lowest income they’ve had, I hold awards from MIT Lincoln Lab &others for accomplishments in microbiology.”

“Secondly, I’m surprised you’re asking about chromosomes given that you don’t even believe in evolution.”

She finished by saying: “Sincerely – an Intel global finalist, a fmr multi-year intern for Sen. Kennedy, a cum laude dual major in Economics & International Relations, a fmr Educational Director for national organisation, Who to you is “just a bartender”.

“And also your colleague.”

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