Anderson Cooper's 7 best moments

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Anderson Cooper's epic eye roll and latest GIF-able, meme-making reaction is but one of many moments the CNN host offered viewers during his stint on the network. It occurred Wednesday during an interview with Kellyanne Conway. As Donald Trump's counselor, Conway defended the president's decision to fire F.B.I. director James Comey, prompting Cooper to deliver his best Lucille Bluth.

The reaction had elements of classic Cooper, like when the newsman admitted to muting Trump on Twitter and taking Conway to task in a fiery exchange earlier in January. But his tenure on CNN has also been marked by touching, powerful, and poignant responses — from the giggle fits of "The RidicuList" to his on-the-ground reporting overseas.

Here are some of Cooper's best moments

1. The eye roll

What did Conway say to spark this reaction? Cooper screened footage from Trump's presidential campaign of the then-candidate hailing Comey. "Thanks for the trip down memory lane," Conway said. "I was on your show often last fall saying we were going to win Michigan and how we were going to do it, so that was fun." Watch Cooper's reaction to that statement above.

2. Cooper vs. Conway

Cooper and Conway clashed earlier in January while discussing reports of Russia's "compromising" material on Trump and the assertion that CNN reported unverified claims in an excerpt from the infamous dossier. "What you're saying doesn't make sense," Cooper said. "On the one hand, you're saying our reporting is inaccurate. On the other hand, you're saying you don't know if it was in the intelligence briefing, and you can't say even if you did know. Right?"

3. Muting Trump on Twitter

"I've actually muted the president on Twitter. Don't tell him," Cooper told Stephen Colbert during a Late Show visit in March.

"Look, I have people following him [on Twitter] so they tell me," he added. "I just don't want to have that drama in my life. … I have great respect for the president — I just don't need to follow him on Twitter. Listen, I have friends who have mania, I don't want to be around them all the time."

4. Cooper's emotional Pulse nightclub segment

Cooper's 360°‏ report on the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida bore more weight from his emotional reaction. As he stood blocks away from the site, the anchor, who publicly came out as gay in 2012, teared up on camera as he read the names of the victims. "In the next two hours, we want to try to keep the focus where we think it belongs, on the people whose lives were cut short," he said.

5. Cooper reports through explosion in Gaza

CNN viewers watching Cooper's report from Gaza in 2012 were reminded of the dangers of the journalism profession. The newsman was physically jolted by the boom of an explosion occurring beyond the camera frame, but he seamlessly continued the segment.

6. Cooper saves boy during earthquake in Haiti [Warning: graphic video]


The line between journalist and subject was breached in 2010. While reporting on the situation in Haiti around the devastating earthquake, Cooper and his crew helped save the lives of those around, including a young boy who was left bleeding after being struck with a rock during a store looting. The video, shown above, includes graphic footage of the moment.

7. Cooper's giggle fits on "RidicuList"


Ending things on a lighter note…

"The Ridiculist," Cooper's ongoing segment for Anderson Cooper 360°, were so enjoyable to watch if only for the host's reactions. In one of these infectious moments, Cooper broke into a giggle fit while reporting on a rather unique tradition called Dyngus Day. "It's so stupid," he blurted out in between breaks while trying to avoid the camera. Cooper later apologized, but we'll always have the video above.